martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Lo que no me gusta de Google

Desafortunadamente mis reticencias por usar los productos de google se ven superadas porque los servicios que tienen tienen una calidad muy alta y se integran muy bien unos con otros. Prueba de mi psicosis absoluta es que hago esta crítica desde blogger.

Creo que se pierden trabajos de administradores de sistemas por todo el mundo, pocos se plantean que un servicio de calidad no puede permanecer gratuito por siempre. Ocurre además que nadie puede implementar nada ni remotamente parecido:

[Fragmento de una entrevista a un ex-sysadmin de Google]

TECHNICAL QUESTIONS (only if you can)

18. ¿What OS do you use at
Probably can't say.

19. What filesystem do you use at
In production? Google has released papers about some of it's technology it uses internally: GFS, Bigtable, etc.

20. What high availability system do you use?
Probably can't say. There might be some papers on that talk about this subject, but I haven't checked.

21. How many hosts, aproximately, do you manage?
I can't say.

22. What brand are your network hardware?
I don't know that one, I never touched the hardware.

23. How do you make the backups of such quantity of data?
Probably can't say.

24. Which monitorization system do you use?
I can't say.

25. Which is your favorite programming language?
Whatever one fits best for the task. At Google, we mainly used Python in my group.

26. Could you show us in percentage the tipical activities in a normal day?
(for example: 20% optimization, 30 fixing problems, 10 debugging...)

If I am on-call, the fixing problems and debugging values are much higher.i
Otherwise, I tried to spend most of my time developing tools and automation so
we could spend less time on fixing problems and debugging.

27. Something you want to add?
I really enjoyed working at Google!

Creo que no hace falta decir más.....

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