Dice Cory de Boing Boing que siempre soñó con escribir este titular, Slashdot slashdots Slashdot: allí se cuenta cómo el popular sitio de noticias para geeks se «tumbó» a sí mismo el otro día y estuvo más de una hora caído debido a un extraño problema técnico y un exceso de tráfico web que se estaba reenviando a sí mismo. Fue algo así como que el famoso efecto Slashdot pudo con el propio Slashdot. Deliciosa y autorreferentemente irónico.
(y ahora corto y pego de Boing Boing)
A technical failure in a data-center switch caused Slashdot to flood itself with bogus traffic, shutting down the service for 75 minutes. Honestly, the only reason I'm posting this is so I can include that ^^^ headline. It's the headline I was born to write, srsly.
As a precautionary measure I rebooted each core just to make sure it wasn't anything silly. After the cores came back online they instantly went back to 100% fabric CPU usage and started shedding connections again. So slowly I started going through all the switch ports on the cores, trying to isolate where the traffic was originating. The problem was all the cabinet switches were showing 10 Gbit/sec of traffic, making it very hard to isolate. Through the process of elimination I was finally able to isolate the problem down to a pair of switches... After shutting the downlink ports to those switches off, the network recovered and everything came back. I fully believe the switches in that cabinet are still sitting there attempting to send 20Gbit/sec of traffic out trying to do something — I just don't know what yet.
Este error de uno de los sitios mas populares de internet me hace recuperar un poco de mi autoestima (algun error cometido en algún trabajo, y no digo más). Bueno, que hay una forma más efectiva de cargarse internet que tecleando Google dentro de Google y es conectando un switch a otro switch.